Impotence more common in men who pop painkillers (Reuters)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Aging men tend to verify more painkillers and experience more sexual problems, but does that mean digit causes the other?

According to a new think that took a effort at the question, the link between pathology and pain meds remained even after judgement discover geezerhood and individual added diseases as possible explanations.

Researchers institute that lawful users of drugs same aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and Celebrex were 38 proportionality more likely to hit expansive pathology than men who didn't verify the so-called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers.

Acetaminophen is sold as Tylenol in the U.S., and Motrin ofttimes as Advil.

Such drugs are intellection to block the hormones that command men's erections, which strength help vindicate the new findings, said think author Dr. carpenter Gleason, a urologist with Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. The new report appears in the Journal of Urology.

Still, Gleason said his results don't establish popping painkillers causes impotence. It's possible that uncharted factors haw be at play, or that he and his colleagues didn't follow in weeding discover the impact of added diseases entirely.

For instance, some men verify a low dose of Empirin because they're at higher risk for hunch attack, which in turn effectuation their murder vessels aren't in crowning shape. And that crapper change the member as well.

"We call the member a thermometer for vascular disease," or problems related to the murder vessels, said Dr. Brant Inman, a urologist at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, who didn't impact on the new study

Arteries in the member are smaller than those that go to the heart, he added, and thence haw get closed up to individual years earlier. Narrow arteries obstruct the murder that normally makes the member swell and embellish hard.

According to the National Institutes of Health, about digit in 100 men in their 40s hit expansive dysfunction, compared with nearly half of men older than 75.

For the underway study, Gleason and his colleagues analyzed upbeat questionnaires from nearly 81,000 men older 45 to 69.

Overall, meet unsure of half said they took painkillers regularly (at small five nowadays a week) and inferior than a third reportable moderate or severe expansive dysfunction.

Of those who took painkillers regularly, 64 proportionality said they could never get an building compared to 36 proportionality of men who didn't verify the drugs often.

After business for factors same age, weight, broad murder pressure and hunch disease, the researchers still institute a 38-percent higher risk of expansive pathology among men on painkillers.

Still, because the think didn't effort painkillers directly, Inman cautioned that men shouldn't kibosh using painkillers for emotion that it would revilement their chances of effort an erection.

One of the authors of the new report is affiliated with Merck, which makes the expansive pathology take Staxyn, and added with GlaxoSmithKline, which makes Levitra.

SOURCE: The Journal of Urology, online February 22, 2011.



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