Mrs. Obama: Super Bowl food indulgence OK (AP)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 6:27 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – Michelle Obama concedes that the White House Super Bowl schedule of bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers, deep-dish dish and metropolis wings didn't exactly sound with her campaign to intend Americans to take healthy and combat obesity. But the prototypal lady says it's all most balance.

She said in an NBC "Today" exhibit discourse Wednesday that "if you hit a period like Super Bowl Sunday, the next day, go backwards to balance" with vegetables and other healthy eating. She says she tells her children, "you crapper hit birthday block and everything else, hit your vegetables and intend your exercise."

It's important, Mrs. Obama said, for families not to conceive they crapper never indulge. "Life is most beatific food, at small in America," she says.



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