Could Hair Loss at 20 Signal Higher Prostate Cancer Risk? (HealthDay)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:01 PM By dwi

TUESDAY, Feb. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Men with endocrine cancer haw be twice as probable to hit started display signs of phallic ornament depilation at the geezerhood of 20 than those without endocrine cancer, a newborn French think suggests.

Men who start losing their material in their 30s or 40s do not appear to face a kindred boost in endocrine cancer risk. And those whose material expiration starts in their 20s do not grappling a higher venture of developing the cancer at an primeval geezerhood or of developing more aggressive tumors, the investigate aggroup noted.

Whether or not men who undergo immature material expiration haw benefit from prostate cancer display is yet to be determined, the think authors added.

"At present, there is no hornlike grounds to exhibit whatever benefit from screening the generalized accumulation for endocrine cancer," think author Dr. Philippe Giraud, from the dweller Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris, said in a news release from the dweller Society for Medical Oncology. "We need a artefact of identifying those men who are at broad venture of developing the disease."

Noting that androgens attendant with material expiration are also attendant with endocrine cancer, he and the other researchers titled for more studies to see whether interventions might be appropriate for men with rattling primeval balding.

Physicians requirement to undergo "who could be targeted for display and also considered for chemo-prevention using anti-androgenic drugs much as finasteride," Giraud said.

"Balding at the geezerhood of 20 haw be digit of these easily identifiable venture factors, and more work needs to be done today to confirm this," he added.

Giraud, who is also a academic of radiation oncology at the Paris Descartes University, reports his team's findings in the Feb. 15 online edition of the book Annals of Oncology.

The authors noted that phallic ornament depilation (androgenic alopecia) is very common, affecting most half of every men at whatever point in their lives.

Its start has previously been linked to the transmutation of testosterone to androgenic hormones, and androgens hit also been previously implicated in the start and growth of endocrine cancer.

The drug finasteride -- used to treat depilation -- blocks the transmutation of testosterone to an ketosteroid intellection to cause material loss, and the drug has also been demonstrated to lower the incidence of endocrine cancer.

To explore the doable unification between balding patterns and prostate cancer, the investigate aggroup spent more than digit eld analyzing disease advancement and material expiration patterns in 388 men with endocrine cancer.

The men were diagnosed between the ages of 46 and 84. Starting in 2004, the investigators asked them to inform whether or not they had experienced whatever preceding balding, when their material expiration began, and specifically what type of material expiration had occurred at 20, 30 and 40.

Another 281 flourishing men were enlisted in the think for comparison.

The investigate aggroup found that 37 of the endocrine cancer patients (and 14 of the flourishing men) had experienced whatever modify of material expiration at the geezerhood of 20, ranging from a disappearance hairline to a bald patch at the top of the head, or a combination of both.

Any modify of material expiration at geezerhood 20 was linked to a raise of endocrine cancer risk, the think authors reported, with no specific ornament of material loss being more prophetic of venture than whatever other.

The investigate aggroup cautioned, however, that it is premature to conclude that depilation and endocrine cancer are, in fact, linked.

For his part, Dr. admiral Neal Stone, a clinical academic of medicine and radiation oncology at Mount desert School of Medicine in New York City, agreed that patch "the think is food for thought," it is in no artefact conclusive.

"First of all, the sort of patients participating is rattling low, which makes interpretation and application to the generalized accumulation rattling risky," he said.

"But we do undergo that there are genetic factors that attain endocrine cancer more prevalent," Stone said. "For example, men who hit a first-degree relative -- an uncle, father or brother -- who hit a diagnosis of endocrine cancer are 2.5 to three times more probable to develop prostate cancer themselves than men who don't hit much a history. And genetics also plays a role in men who develop primeval material loss."

"So, you hit digit genetically attendant factors that there haw be an association from, and apiece haw be linked to primeval broad phallic hormone levels. So it haw be a hormonally attendant situation," Stone acknowledged. "But it's rattling hornlike to prove."

More information

For more on endocrine cancer risk, visit the dweller Cancer Society.



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