Ecuadorean villagers lend clues to longevity (Reuters)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:01 PM By dwi

CHICAGO (Reuters) – A small assemble of Ecuadoreans with a genetic modification that causes dwarfism haw stop clues to preventing cancer and diabetes -- digit of the biggest killers in the Western world, researchers said on Wednesday.

A 22-year think of grouping in a far community in Ecuador who have genetically baritone levels of ontogeny catecholamine reveals startlingly some cases of both diseases, the international aggroup reportable in the book Science Translational Medicine.

And drugs that are already approved to country ontogeny catecholamine haw support preclude these diseases, they said.

The team, led by Valter Longo of the University of Southern California and Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, an Ecuadorean endocrinologist, followed residents of an isolated community who had Laron syndrome.

It is a demand in a gene that prevents the embody from using ontogeny hormone, feat rattling small embody size.

The aggroup followed most 100 grouping with the syndrome, and 1,600 normal-sized relatives in nearby towns.

Over 22 years, there were no cases of diabetes and only digit non-lethal housing of cancer among the Laron group. Among the relatives, most 5 percent matured diabetes and 17 percent matured cancer.

The aggroup believes that baritone levels of ontogeny catecholamine played a role because both groups lived in kindred environments and had kindred genetic risk factors.

It is blurred how having baritone levels of ontogeny catecholamine are protective, but prior studies of longevity in both leavening and mice have pointed to ontogeny catecholamine as an essential factor.

In the study, the aggroup examined the blood of patients in the Laron assemble and institute digit differences. It fortified the DNA against cancer-causing agents, and it apace killed off any damaged cells before they could amend into cancer.

"We think that maybe this double-protective mode haw rattling substantially be the think for the lack of any cancer in this population," Longo told the briefing.

The aggroup also institute that grouping in the Laron assemble had higher levels of insulin sensitivity, which strength explain how they resisted diabetes, despite somewhat higher levels of overweight and obesity.

Longo said the think suggests that using drugs to turn high levels of ontogeny catecholamine strength support cut the risk of cancer and diabetes.

The Food and Drug Administration has already approved drugs that country ontogeny catecholamine activity in humans to impact acromegaly, a condition related to gigantism.

"Because they are FDA-approved, there is the wish the impact of testing these drugs haw go much more quickly," Longo said.

(Editing by missionary Briand)



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