Study sees benefit to early menopause hot flashes (AP)

Thursday, February 24, 2011 7:01 PM By dwi

CHICAGO – Hot flashes that bedevil whatever women in climacteric might actually be a good thing, depending on when they strike, according to new data from a long-running government study.

Women who had blistering flashes at the move of climacteric but not after seemed to have a lower risk for hunch move and death than women who never had blistering flashes, or those whose symptoms persisted daylong after climacteric began.

By contrast, among the few women who matured blistering flashes New — in whatever cases whatever eld after climacteric began — there were more hunch attacks and deaths when compared with the other groups.

The investigate participating more than 60,000 women followed for an cipher of nearly 10 years. It's the prototypal to investigate timing of menopausal symptoms and ensuant risks for hunch problems and deaths, said co-author Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive penalization at Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Recent studies linked blistering flashes with higher murder push and cholesterol levels, which could declare a higher risk for hunch problems, but the new investigate offers a more careful look, doc said.

Lead communicator Dr. Emily Szmuilowicz, an endocrinologist with Northwestern University's scrutiny school, said the results should quiet jillions of women who undergo blistering flashes or period sweats, which are essentially blistering flashes that can be irritating enough to rouse women.

The results declare "there haw be a constructive side" to having these annoying symptoms, Szmuilowicz said.

The think was free online weekday in the book Menopause.

Dr. Elsa-Grace Giardina, a Columbia University specialist in women's hunch disease who was not participating in the study, said the investigate has several limitations and that more rigorous think is necessary to prove the results.

Few women matured blistering flashes daylong after climacteric began, and for at least some, preceding use of catecholamine pills haw have accumulated their risks for hunch problems, Giardina said.

But more than one-third of the women with late-onset symptoms never utilised hormones, and Szmuilowicz said the researchers took time catecholamine use into kindness and still found timing of symptoms played a role.

Menopause occurs when women kibosh having periods and estrogen levels dwindle. Most women undergo symptoms including blistering flashes that can terminal for several years. But they don't usually persist indefinitely or begin daylong after the beginning of menopause.

Hot flashes aren't well studied but are intellection to termination from murder vessels dilating in salutation to the connatural catecholamine fluctuations of menopause, doc said. If they occur daylong after climacteric begins it could signal a murder craft condition that could also affect the heart, she said.

The investigate participating 60,027 women from the current Women's Health Initiative observational study, examining disease risk factors and health outcomes and funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Women were in their primeval 60s on average, most 14 eld time the move of menopause, when they answered questionnaires most their health, activity history, and symptoms including blistering flashes and period sweats. Cardiovascular problems and deaths were tracked during nearly 10 eld of follow-up.

More than one-third, or nearly 25,000 women, had primeval symptoms — blistering flashes at the onset of climacteric that had obstructed before they enrolled. Just 1,391 had New symptoms — blistering flashes at entering but not at the move of menopause.

About 2.5 proportionality of women with primeval symptoms had hunch attacks, compared with 3.4 proportionality of women with no symptoms and 5.5 proportionality of those with New symptoms. Also, most 6 proportionality of the primeval symptom women died, versus 11 proportionality of the New symptom group and 8 proportionality of the well women. Women who had continual blistering flashes throughout climacteric had risks similar to those without symptoms.

Giardina noted that broad murder pressure, broad cholesterol, diabetes and obesity — which all can contribute to hunch problems — were more ordinary among the New symptom women.

But the researchers said they accounted for that and still found that timing of climacteric symptoms played a role in after hunch attacks and deaths.




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