Health Tip: Teach Kids About Portion Control (HealthDay)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

(HealthDay News) -- Whopping assets sizes are a big think for why people overeat. But if you teach your children about pertinent portion sizes, they haw be more likely to stick to flourishing portions into adulthood.

The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions:

  • Put meals on smaller plates so that the assets appears larger.
  • Divide snacks into diminutive portions, instead of sending your child soured to snack with the full bag.
  • Separate leftovers into diminutive assets sizes, instead of storing them in larger containers.
  • Serve matter away from the table, which haw bounds family members from going backwards for seconds.
  • Produce single-serving foods to support your children visualize what an appropriate serving is.
  • Eat meals slowly, and make trusty they contain plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Split orders at a restaurant.
  • Skip the plus-sized value meals at fast-food eateries.



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