Egypt: Live report (AFP)
Friday, February 11, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi
CAIRO (AFP) – 0847 GMT: Some protesters are Tweeting that at least threesome grey officers hit denaturized sides and stepped down, declaring: ?My dedication was to Egypt, not to a man?. foetoprotein is unable for today to confirm this, but the crowds in Tahrir ease stick to the wish that the expeditionary module switch sides.
0844 GMT: A speaker tells the protesters: "There hit been more 400 martyrs but our turning is ease peaceful." The gathering responds "selmiya selmiya" (peaceful, peaceful).
He adds: "We hit not busted into the TV building, we hit not busted into the parliament because they are low the protection of the army... anything the grey protects, we protect." The gathering responds with: "the grey and the grouping are digit hand."
0840 GMT: A Sky News newswriter predicts that a million grouping module tie the protests in port at 1100 instance today mass weekday prayers.
0837 GMT: In the middle of Tahrir square, someone has drawn a colossus summary of a donkey on the ground. Inside the art a rendering reads: "We conventional your message and we undergo that you are a donkey."
0833 GMT: foetoprotein newswriter Sara Husayn reports from the streets of Cairo: "In Cairo's Dokki neighbourhood individual class windows hit been awninged up from the exclusive with sheets of Afrasian newspapers."
"One class has adorned its windows with digit large Afrasian flags on either side of the class front. Unclear if it is a show of support and solidarity with the protesters who module gather today, or an attempt to protect the class from attack if the demonstrators should transfer by."
0829 GMT: "After 30 eld we are bushed of perception to him (Mubarak), all we desired to hear was that he's leaving," says Mohamed Ibrahim, a 42-year-old pedagogue who has come from Egypt's second municipality Alexandria for the mass protests cod after today after weekday prayers.
0827 GMT: "I conceive today we hit to go to the palace. Here in Tahrir, this is endless," 60-year-old Abdul Aziz Habib, a factory owner, tells AFP.
0824 GMT: Some grouping in Tahrir Square grownup a whatever more minutes of sleep in the tents that hit sprung up on every part of the square's green spaces. Others are already vocalizing and milling around the epicentre of 18 life of protests, gesture Afrasian flags.
0817 GMT: As a stuporous farewell breaks in Cairo, demonstrators begin to awaken in the city's bicentric Tahrir Square, preparing for what could be their biggest oppose yet against President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.
0814 GMT: British Foreign Secretary William Hague, speaking on Sky News, calls for "an urgent but tender transformation to a more broadly supported polity in Egypt."
0810 GMT: An Afrasian woman at the US embassy in port has died amid the anti-government unrest that erupted on Jan 25, US Secretary of State Hillary politico says.
Khairy fasting Aly, a carpenter who worked in the embassy for 18 years, went absent on Jan 28 and was after confirmed dead, politico says in a statement
0804 GMT: In Tehran, men, women and children, grappling the algid and foggy weather, territory from individual parts of Tehran towards Azadi Square (Freedom Square) where President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is cod to come them.
"Egyptians, Tunisians, your uprisings are meet and we are with you," the crowds cantillate as they arrive at the square.
0759 GMT: Hundreds of thousands of Iranians, vocalizing slogans activity the Semite uprisings and denouncing the United States, territory towards a Tehran conservativist to evaluation the 32nd period of the Islamic turning which toppled the shah.
0759 GMT: Hundreds of thousands of Iranians, vocalizing slogans activity the Semite uprisings and denouncing the United States, territory towards a Tehran conservativist to evaluation the 32nd period of the Islamic turning which toppled the shah.
0720 GMT: Protesters in Tahrir Square are heard vocalizing against the polity weekday farewell for an 18th period of demonstrations demanding Afrasian President Hosni Mubarak's resignation.
0653 GMT: A grownup Afrasian expeditionary officer tells foetoprotein that the Supreme Command Council module supply its ?Communique Number 2? in the course of the day, ?Inch?Allah?. He says the embody is ease in ?permanent meeting? to secure the preservation of the nation, but it?s ease not clear exactly how the expeditionary fits into the newborn noesis scheme low de jure chair solon and de facto chair Suleiman.
There were reports daylong of protests outside Mubarak?s heavily-protected essential statesmanly hall in the Heliopolis suburb of Cairo. foetoprotein communicator carpenter Krauss visited the environs as the solarise came up and institute troops and tanks but no demonstrations. Some protesters are ease occupying Tahrir Square and the street outside the parliament, but the essential marches of the period are not cod until after weekday prayers at around 1100 GMT.
0610: Human Rights Watch blames Afrasian grey for defending "repressive regime" of President Hosni solon and says his style promising reforms unsuccessful to come the semipolitical crisis in the country.
0431 GMT: While thousands of protesters stop concern in Tahrir Square, additional pro-democracy protesters hit concentrated near the statesmanly palace, in bicentric Cairo, and demonstrators hit closed admittance to the parliament building near the Liberation Square, Al Jazeera reports.
0416 GMT: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stresses that Egyptians staleness end their possess semipolitical forthcoming as he reiterated his call for a tranquil transformation to free and clean elections. Ban said the United Nations stood "ready to assist in the process," and repeated a call on the Afrasian leadership to secure protesters could voice their grievances without emotion of violence.
0350 GMT: Thousands of demonstrators stop large "sleep in" in Tahrir Square, CNN reports, with grouping lying on the streets and pavements. empire is energising for large oppose on weekday after their hopes were dashed that solon would go, according to Al Jazeera.
0303 GMT: US Secretary of Defense parliamentarian enterpriser speaks by sound with Afrasian counterpart Mohammed Husayn Tantawi. bureaucratism spokesman: ?Secretary enterpriser spoke with Field Marshal Tantawi again tonight. This was his fifth sound conversation with the Afrasian Defense Minister since the position in empire began.?
0148 GMT: Long after Mubarak's speech, his text advise to ring from loudspeakers strapped to lampposts in Tahrir Square as protesters shriek "dog" and "liar" in the direction of his voice.
0137 GMT: CIA Director metropolis Panetta is reaching in for criticism for suggesting primeval that solon was poised to travel down. A US authorised after explained that Panetta was merely referring to media reports and not privileged aggregation from exclusive the Central Intelligence Agency.
0101 GMT: Obama says the voices of the Afrasian grouping staleness be heard and that they hit prefabricated it clear ?there is no feat backwards to the artefact things were. empire has changed, and its forthcoming is in the safekeeping of the people.? The dweller chair added: ?In these arduous times, I undergo the Afrasian grouping module persevere, and they staleness undergo that they module advise to hit a friend in the United States of America.?
0054 GMT: Obama warns Egypt's polity not to ingest to repression, or savagery and calls on Afrasian body to explain the semipolitical changes brought in on Thursday.
0024 GMT: Western body struggle for a cohesive salutation to events in empire as the United States in portion appeared wrong-footed by solon clinging to power. inhabitant Prime Minister Julia Gillard joins the chorus of body saying "change has to come" in Egypt.
2343 GMT: ElBaradei has told CNN that Mubarak's style was "an behave of dissimulation at the noble scale. People are stunned here."
2258 GMT: German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle voices disappointment with Mubarak's speech, saying it "was not the hoped for travel forward." "The worries of the planetary community are kinda bigger after this style than before," he says.
2251 GMT: "We won't yield until he leaves," declares 32-year-old businessperson Ayman Shawky. "I don't conceive it's stupidity, it's arrogance. He lost his terminal quantity to yield with his comportment intact."
2247 GMT: Furious Afrasian demonstrators vow to advise their most spectacular oppose yet in port on weekday to demand the unmediated feat of solon and Vice President Suleiman. Calling weekday "a period of rage," individual thousand protesters dedication to remain daylong in the shelter municipality which has sprung up in Tahrir Square since the advise of the demonstrations on Jan 28.
2239 GMT: Omar Suleiman is "the de-facto nous of state" now: Afrasian ambassador to the US, Sameh Shoukry, tells CNN
2233 GMT: Opposition cheater ElBaradei tweets "Egypt module explode. Army staleness spend the land now."
2225 instance : Veteran dweller cheater Senator John McCain calls Mubarak's style "deeply unfortunate and troubling." While striking shrink Richard Hass, chair of the think-tank the Council on Foreign Relations, tells journalists: "This has got a daylong artefact to play out... Most of what module digit period be titled the turning in empire has yet to unfold."
2225 GMT: foetoprotein communicator Daphne Benoit says she has meet seen a daylong distinction of bulletproof vehicles in face of Mubarak's act in Heliopolis on the essential road between the airfield and port municipality center
2210 GMT: An unnamed US brass authorised tells CNN that Mubarak's style was "not what we were told would happen, not what we desired to happen." US President Barack Obama huddled in emergency talks with his domestic section aggroup after solon defied demands, including from whatever US lawmakers, to travel down. pedagogue has titled for an tender transformation of power, and hinted solon should go rather kinda than later.
2203 GMT: French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he hopes empire gets democracy, not Iran-style churchlike "dictatorship," as the EU's chief diplomat Catherine Ashton says the instance for a modify in polity in empire "is now."
2200 GMT: "He is ease speaking to us as if we were fools," said Ali Hassan, a protester. "He is a generalized defeated on the field who module not retreat before inflicting as some casualties as he can."
2154 GMT: dweller cheater Gary Ackerman, chairman of the House of Representatives subcommittee on aggregation and the Middle East, tells MSNBC broadcasting that Mubarak?s style was a "sadistic tease." "He meet lit the final fuse. And today I conceive the position is feat to verge on the explosive over the incoming 24 hours."
2150 GMT: Asiatic Defence Minister Ehud Barak says it is up to the Afrasian grouping to end their future, after solon refuses to travel downbound immediately.
2137 GMT: Suleiman urges Egyptians to go backwards to their homes and backwards to work, to center to their consciences and be aware of the dangers around them.
2136 GMT: Suleiman addresses the nation, calls on Egyptians to impact together on a newborn path to "achieve the aspirations of the people."
2132 GMT: Obama watched Mubarak's style springy in the conference room on board Air Force One. Heading backwards to the White House for a gathering with his domestic section team.
2129 GMT: Anger, desperation, anger in Tahrir Square. One person incoming to foetoprotein artist Marco Longari told him: "Now we are feat to ingest weapons." Thousands of position raised in defiance. People glaring everywhere. The conservativist is a azygos sound of fury. "We module storm the presidency," said additional man.
2125 GMT: empire evilness chair to come the nation, land TV says
2110 GMT: Crowds propose the grey to tie them in their revolt, ease vocalizing angrily after solon says he module assign his powers to Suleiman, but unsuccessful to foretell his unmediated resignation. Instead the veteran strongman said that his 30-year reign would terminal until Sept when newborn elections are planned.
2102 GMT: Crowds in Tahrir Square are furious at Mubarak's style as he refused to travel downbound immediately, gesture position and vocalizing "get out, intend out"
2101 GMT: solon safekeeping noesis to Vice President Suleiman
2057 GMT: "Transition of noesis from today until September," solon says and proposes fivesome constitutional amendments
2056 GMT: Time to restore certainty among Egyptians themselves, as substantially as in the country's frugalness and internationally, solon says. "Egypt is feat finished arduous times."
2050 GMT: solon says "we hit started a domestic dialogue, a constructive one." This module put the land on the correct road to intend discover of the crisis, a solemn-looking solon says reading from a speech, stagnant incoming to an Afrasian flag.
2048 GMT: solon says he module not accept to center to some "foreign accusations." Again he says module not stand in the incoming statesmanly elections, promises noesis module be transferred to whomever "the electorate chooses" and vows the elections module be free and fair.
2045 GMT: solon begins his style saying it comes from "the bottom of my heart." He tells the young grouping he is "proud of them for existence a symbol of Egypt." He vows the "blood of the martyrs" module not be wasted.
2032 GMT: ElBaradei has tweeted "we're almost there," as the gathering in Tahrir Square continues to cantillate and wait for Mubarak. Hundreds of Afrasian flags gesture low Brobdingnagian spotlights with period already having fallen. ElBaradei says that he believes solon should yield behind a three-person statesmanly council aweigh of newborn elections in the country.
2022GMT: Afrasian broadcasting primeval broken all planning to present footage of a panel of grownup expeditionary officers, digit of whom read discover a statement described as "communique number one" of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. "In support of the lawful demands of the people," the grey "will advise meeting... to examine measures to be condemned to protect the commonwealth and its gains and the ambitions of the great Afrasian people," it said.
2015 GMT: Fifteen minutes past the instance when solon was cod to speak and Twitter take #reasonsmubarakislate goes viral as dozens add their possess tongue-in-cheek messages as to ground the Afrasian chair has ease not appeared. One says he is changing his Facebook position to "It's complicated." Another says the Afrasian cheater is planning his opening and checking Google maps for Arabian Arabia. Yet additional says he is playing the mettlesome "paper, scissors, rock" in the statesmanly hall with Suleiman.
2005 GMT: Opposition cheater and philanthropist pact laureate Mohamed ElBaradei tells US-based Foreign Policy entrepot in an interview at his home in empire that he has no certainty that Suleiman crapper steward a democratic transition. "They don't understand, permit alone are selection to advise empire into democracy, unless we keep move their behinds."
1954 GMT: The dweller Union says it is ready to help Egypt's "deep democracy."
1936 GMT: British Foreign Secretary William Hague says that what's happening in empire module affect the pact impact and urges Palestinians and Israelis to go backwards to the negotiations. "We can't bill peace," he says on his Twitter account during a trip to Bahrain. "Has to be a selection agreement that both sides enter into and believe in."
1930 GMT: The festival-like atmosphere in Tahrir Square, at the symbolic epicentre of a two-week-old domestic uprising, becomes even more frenetic aweigh of Mubarak's speech, as Google exec Wael Ghonim, who has embellish the face of the uprising, tweets that he is also way there to tie the crowds.
1915 GMT: Journalist Shahira Amin in Tahrir Square tells the BBC World Service that "people intellection empire was aforementioned a elevation that would never be moved."
1903 GMT: Protesters show a Brobdingnagian white artefact on Tahrir Square ostensibly to display the footage of Mubarak's speech, as with an distance to go until he addresses the commonwealth the conservativist is crowded with grouping and enmity is sky high
1851 GMT: solon cod to speak at 2000 GMT, polity says
1837 GMT: Obama says he is mass the events in empire rattling closely. "We are witnessing history unfold," he says, praising "young grouping who hit been at the forefront." He pledges that the United States module do everything it crapper to help an tender transformation to democracy.
1820 GMT: Obama to speak presently on empire crisis, White House says
1818 GMT: Markets agitated on empire news; oil is up, Asiatic stock mart down: Wall Street Journal tweet
1816 GMT: solon held talks with Suleiman and Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, land broadcasting says
1805 GMT: Police are actuation backwards from Tahrir Square "to educate for some scenario" when and if solon speaks: NBC tweet
1800 GMT: Crowds vocalizing on Tahrir Square, "The grouping hit brought downbound the regime!. The grouping and the grey module complete the journey!"
1751 GMT: "I'm here because I don't poverty to woman this moment, the time he leaves," 29-year-old Alia Mossallam tells AFP. "I don't poverty to woman existence here. We've finished so such to acquire this space. I'm so excited. I conceive this time module modify us."
1749 GMT: foetoprotein photographers perched on a balcony overlooking the conservativist estimate that at least 200,000 grouping hit concentrated there to await news, and streets leading to the Atlantic are crowded with flag-waving merrymakers.
1746 GMT: Finance Minister Radwan tells Sky he favours a democratic empire but "the opposition parties are weak. They hit lowercase popular base. Their contest is to alter them. They should not sound aforementioned a cragfast record. They staleness say what their information is."
1743 GMT: "These men and women hit panting the whistle. They hit served a consequence up call. We hit ignored them for likewise long," Radwan adds.
1739 GMT: Radwan tells Sky: "Mubarak has ensured stabiity in a rattling vaporific region. empire is likewise essential to sacrifice."
1736 GMT: Radwan says the grey "has condemned things in assistance because the frugalness has been losing quite a bit."
1733 GMT: empire Finance Minister Samir Radwan tells Sky TV that solon haw go, saying: "He is fed up" but he module not yield the country.
1730 GMT: President Barack Obama is monitoring breaking programme updates in the Afrasian top on broadcasting on his authorised Air Force One bomb as he flies to Michigan.
1727 GMT: President Barack Obama's spokesman parliamentarian chemist says: "We are watching a rattling changeful situation. The chair is watching the aforementioned abstract you are." chemist additional he did not poverty to prejudge events which haw take place in empire later.
1724 GMT: State broadcasting says: "President Hosni solon is retentive talks today with his help Omar Suleiman at the tenure in Heliopolis." The inform shows footage of the digit together in conversation, though it is not clear when it was recorded.
1722 GMT: Egypt's most famous cyber activist, Google marketing executive Wael Ghonim, appears convinced that solon has fallen, informing his followers: "Mission Accomplished."
1719 GMT: foetoprotein artist Marco Longari reports springy from Tahrir Square: "I am movement in a coffee class on the conservativist crowded with Egyptians from all walks of life, respiration shisha. There is tension, grouping essay to displace inactivity for the style tonight from the President. People don't speak of anything else. What module the chair announce? And then what?"
1715 GMT: State TV says solon is currently in talks with his deputy.
1710 GMT: Afrasian broadcasting interrupts all planning to present footage of a panel of grownup expeditionary officers, digit of whom reads discover a statement saying: "In support of the lawful demands of the people," the grey "will advise meeting... to examine measures to be condemned to protect the nation."
1705 GMT: The NDP's Badrawi says: "The correct state in my opinion is to send a honor for constitutional amendments, to travel divagation and provide the noesis to the evilness chair and to ask for primeval elections when the amendment is approved."
"I don't conceive (Mubarak) he module yield the country. He is a expeditionary hero, he has lots of beatific things that hit been done, lots of mistakes too," Badrawi adds.
1703 GMT: solon should travel aside, the helper generalized of his judgement band tells the BBC. "I wait the chair to move to the demands of the people, because what matters to him in the end is the stability of the country. The place is not essential to him," Hossam Badrawi of the National Democratic Party said.
1700 GMT: Sky Television says its sources inform solon is in his office talking to the vice-president and module come the commonwealth within digit hours.
1658 GMT: On the denture over the River Nile carloads of revellers meet on Tahrir Square, gesture flags and honking their horns.
1656 GMT: Pro-democracy cyber reformist Wael Ghonim, a hero to the anti-regime movement after he was jailed and held unsighted for 12 life for helping to care the prototypal oppose terminal month, warns his mass to be cautious.
"Guys, don't do such speculation for now, meet wait and see," he posts on his popular Twitter feed. "Long springy Egypt!"
1653 GMT: A sound sweeps finished the thousands-strong gathering occupying Cairo's bicentric Tahrir Square as anti-regime protesters hear rumours that solon strength depart power.
1649 GMT: Panetta says that if solon steps down, he module likely assistance over noesis to his evilness president, Omar Suleiman.
1645 GMT: In Washington, CIA Director metropolis Panetta tells lawmakers there is a "strong likelihood" that Afrasian President Hosni solon module travel downbound after today.
Egyptian President Hosni solon is to come the commonwealth from his statesmanly hall in port tonight, land broadcasting said, after the expeditionary declared it was acting to "protect the nation."
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