European Cereal Boxes Linked to Cancer Not a Danger for U.S. Consumers (

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

Some recycled unreal Graminaceae boxes oversubscribed in aggregation hit been institute to include chanceful levels of petrified oils — types of oil hydrocarbons. The oils, which haw be carcinogenic, are modify activity finished the plastic bags inside the boxes and onto the cereal.

A few of the brands involved in the newborn study, which was conducted by toxicologists in Switzerland, also sell in the United States. This raises an urgent question: Could Graminaceae boxes provide you or your children cancer?

The petrified oils belike analyse back to ink in the production utilised to attain the recycled cardboard. A Graminaceae sort titled Jordan's has definite to kibosh boxing its artefact in recycled unreal altogether, and Kellogg's and Weetabix are both considering switching to environmentally friendly options that don't bear the upbeat risk.

If you buy your Graminaceae stateside, though, you're belike in the clear, and shouldn't steer away from brands that ingest recycled unreal packaging. Deborah White, executive director of the Recycled Paperboard Technical Association, a non-profit methodicalness that entireness to improve the quality and standards of the recycled paperboard industry, said petrified oils are not a problem in recycled unreal packaging in the United States.

"There is a actual difference in that, in the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration sets certain standards for petrified oils, and our recycling industry has a rattling demanding information for making trusty matter packaging materials foregather those standards," White told Life's Little Mysteries. "The dweller Union hasn't yet ingrained a country level for these substances. The members of the Confederation of dweller Paper Industries are definitely looking into it and considering what to do."

Certain petrified oils are permissible by the bureau for ingest in matter packaging, White explained; they don't every bear upbeat risks. But chanceful hydrocarbons are not allowed to attain their artefact into recycled materials oversubscribed in the United States. According to White, "dangerous petrified oils hit never been institute in U.S. recycled cardboard."

White encourages consumers to continue using recycled cardboard. "It is an important conception of our sustainability solution," she said, "and I sure don't want people to get sidetracked from the clear benefits of recycling by this study."

According to a March 7 report commissioned by the American Forest and Products Association, 74 proportionality of U.S. communities accept paperboard in their recycling systems. Paper and unreal recycling is flourishing here, and need not be dampened by investigate conducted elsewhere.

This article was provided by Life's Little Mysteries, a sister place to LiveScience. Follow Natalie Wolchover on Twitter @nattyover

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