Some breast cancer patients can skip node surgery (AP)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 2:01 PM By dwi

CHICAGO – Many boob cancer patients can skip aggressive lymph node surgery without crescendo their chances of a repetition or modification if their disease shows restricted spread, according to a think that has prompted changes in practice.

Under underway guidelines, the often-debilitating surgery is finished if the cancer has distribute right the boob to some lymph nodes.

In the study, rates of activity and of patients' remaining cancer-free were meet as good whether the women with restricted distribute — in digit or digit nearby nodes — had lots more underarm nodes removed or skipped that field surgery.

At least 24,000 of the 180,000 U.S. women diagnosed every assemblage with boob cancer hit restricted distribute to lymph nodes. Under the standard approach, they would hit a chunk of underarm paper removed to analyse for further cancer spread, said Dr. saint Julian, a boob cancer specialist with West Quaker river Healthcare System in Pittsburgh. He was not participating in the study.

That operation often leaves women with long arm swelling, stiffness and pain.

The results declare that tens of thousands of women could be spared aggressive node surgery and those troubling side effects, said think communicator Dr. Armando Giuliano, cancer surgery honcho at the Evangelist histrion Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Calif.

"This is really a move toward less radical surgery" for boob cancer patients, he said.

That move began several eld past when doctors obstructed routinely removing whole breasts and close tissue, eliminate for women with more advanced disease.

The think refutes preceding investigate suggesting a greater chance for repetition when cancer is found in digit or digit nodes.

The difference haw be the coverall communication given to the women in the study.

All had relatively early disease, with distribute to no more than digit nodes. They were aerated with lumpectomies to vanish their tumors and a ordinary type of irradiation that covers the boob and underarm area. Most also had chemotherapy, hormone treatment, or both.

American Society of Surgical Oncology guidelines propose aggressive node surgery for much women. The assemble is doing a oscillating programme review, and the think results probable will advance to some changes, said Dr. metropolis Lyman of Duke University, co-chair of a panel participating in those guidelines.

"This sure is a essential think and an essential added piece of aggregation in an Atlantic that we've been waiting for," Lyman said.

The think appears in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association. Some details were presented at a scrutiny meeting terminal assemblage and led some doctors to adopt the new approach. That includes boob surgeons at New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the M.D. playwright Cancer Center in Houston, according to think co-authors from those institutions.

The results support the move is safe, and doctors can see confident recommending it, said Dr. Nora Jaskowiak, surgical director of the boob edifice at University of metropolis Medical Center.

The think participating most 850 women who had initial biopsies showing cancer had distribute to digit or digit nearby lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes are tiny structures linked by a network of vessels throughout the body that are conception of the disease-fighting immune system. When cancer spreads, it typically travels first to nearby nodes.

About half of the women were arbitrarily appointed to receive the more intrusive node surgery; the residual skipped that surgery.

Roughly 92 percent in both groups were ease aware five eld later, and 83 percent in both groups had no cancer recurrence. Seventy percent of women in the surgery assemble had complications, including underarm symptom and harm infection, versus 25 percent in assemble that skipped it.

Julian, the metropolis boob surgeon, said there were limitations to the research, including how women were recruited.

The researchers approached women who already knew their initial lymph node biopsy results, and exclusive most half as some women as expected united to be in the study. Higher-risk women who desired customary node surgery haw hit chosen not to participate, which could hit skewed the results.

The think authors acknowledge that regulating but said modify high-risk think participants, those with boob cancer that doesn't move to hormone treatment, had good long-term activity rates modify without the node surgery.

Julian said lack of extended follow-up is also a concern.

"You requirement to hit 10 eld to really undergo that it's going to stop water," he said.

He said he has cautiously adopted the think move with senior patients, but exclusive on a case-by-case basis with women 50 or younger, who hit longer to springy and more instance for cancer to recur.







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