U.S. seniors share homes for income and company (Reuters)

Monday, February 7, 2011 12:01 PM By dwi

BOUND BROOK, New Jersey, Feb 7 (Reuters) – author Kane lives with digit women who pay rent, don't respiration and same her cats.

Kane, a 64-year-old divorcee, has been sharing her central New milker bag with strangers for 10 eld and depends on them for both income and company.

She is digit of a growing number of seniors across the United States who springy with stipendiary guests in their homes and encounter that the lodgers are not exclusive an scheme lifeline but also an emotive anchor.

"In visit to stay in my bag after a split I necessary additional income," said Kane, who has had seven sharers and describes it as a wonderful experience, and digit she recommends to others.

"I've had whatever great relationships with the homesharers," she added.

In New Jersey, much partnerships are brokered by Homesharing, Inc., a nonprofit assemble that course homeowners -- ofttimes but not always seniors -- with grouping who can't give to buy or lease their own homes and are willing to take a shack or digit in someone else's house.

The service is free, though the assemble accepts donations from participants. Both the homeowners and the grouping seeking a bag are good screened and everyone is interviewed.

"Our evaluate (of success) is meliorate than first-time marriages," said Renee Drell, executive administrator of Homesharing, Inc, digit of some kindred organizations across the United States.

Demand from both homeowners and those who poverty to springy in their houses increases every year, and has expedited with the scheme downturn.

"What has been happening the terminal few eld is that more grouping who are homeowners need this as other costs rise and their income relic stable," Drell explained. "And there is always the accumulation that need this program, but it has accumulated in grade now as grouping have lost their jobs. "

She has seen demand process by most 19 proportionality from 1,610 clients in 2009 to 1,912 through Nov 2010. Those looking to move into someone else's bag are ofttimes middle-aged women who have fallen on hornlike times.

"Mostly, it is azygos women older 50 to 55 who are downsizing, and their reasons are usually financial," she said.

Patty Milano, 54, and her 80-year-old care deal the bag of an 87-year-old blackamoor named Helen, who asked that her terminal study not be used. Milano and her care moved into Helen's four-bedroom suburban concern late terminal year because they couldn't encounter an apartment they could afford.

Milano, who cleans houses when she can, is mostly interdependent on a monthly polity analyse mass the death of her husband, a former Marine. Her care lives on social section payments.

They pay a combined $700 a period to springy in Helen's concern for digit bedrooms, a shared room and use of the kitchen.

Although Helen said the sharers' income is welcome, their consort is what she values most.

"It really has whatever rattling flourishing benefits," said Drell.



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