Can money motivate weight loss? Perhaps at first (Reuters)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 7:01 PM By dwi

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Obese grouping may be more probable to thin downbound if they hit money riding on their success through business incentives -- but the coefficient strength locomote back erst the monetary herb is gone, according to a U.S. study.

A information in which grouping stood to retrograde change if they failed to retrograde coefficient appeared to motivate them, but the motivation didn't last, the think -- published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine -- found.

All participants received coefficient expiration counseling, but whatever also subscribed a "deposit contract," where the funds they deposited in an statement were matching and awarded to them at the modify of a certain period of instance if they achieved their coefficient expiration goals.

If they failed to hit their goal, they lost the money.

People with the "deposit contract" lost an cipher of nine pounds (4.1 kg) over eight months, while the participants with no money to retrograde lost exclusive digit pound.

"Financial incentives produced momentous coefficient expiration over an eight-month intervention," wrote Leslie Evangelist at pedagogue Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who led the study.

"However, participants regained coefficient post-intervention."

For the study, Evangelist and her colleagues arbitrarily appointed 66 adults with BMIs -- body mass indexes -- of 30 to 40, mostly men, to either hit a counseling conference with a dietician nonnegative monthly weigh-ins, or the same information nonnegative the installation contract.

BMI is a measure of coefficient for height. Obese is classified as 30 and above.

Under the contract, participants could installation up to $3 per period in an statement that the researchers matching dollar-for-dollar. If at the modify of the month, they had reached their weight-loss content -- up to digit blow per week -- they could claim the money.

John said the rational behindhand an incentive information is that grouping move more pronto to the unmediated threat of losing money compared to the distant threat of weight-related upbeat problems.

In the study, the threat of losing money did seem to push grouping to retrograde more weight. But exclusive 7 of the 66 actually met the think content of shedding digit blow per week over the prototypal 24 weeks of the eight months.

And nine months after the information ended, the financial-incentive group had gained back most of the weight.

Other studies hit also suggested incentives may work, Evangelist said. Last year, a assorted investigate aggroup reported that giving free prepared meals as conception of a structured coefficient expiration information helped fat grouping retrograde weight.

John said more investigate is necessary to see if the initial success of the organisation crapper be extended. In the actual world, money for coefficient expiration could be offered by shelter plans.

"Obesity is hugely costly to shelter companies, so they hit business incentives to countenance at this," she said, noting that incentives are exclusive rattling effective in the short- and medium-term.

"I think we ease requirement to exhibit that the coefficient expiration crapper be maintained," she added.


(Reporting by Amy Norton at Reuters Health; editing by Elaine Lies)



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